How to Unstink the House

Love frying but don't like the lingering odor it left behind? I know I do! Fried food are one of my favorite thing to eat (for me if it's deep fried then I'll eat it - and trust me, I had farm cockroach in Thailand, and the reason I had it was because it was deep fried!) but frying is definitely the last thing I want to do in the kitchen. Thinking about the mess and the stale oil it left behind, usually makes me take out the steamer and convince myself that I need to be healthier by eating steamed food.

But don't be afraid people, do this and you'll be able to get rid of that fried smell.

Without turning on the kitchen fan, boil 3 cups of water mix with 1 tbs cinnamon powder and a splash of lemon juice over medium heat. Once water is boiling, let it simmer for about 1 hour or so. You can always be creative and add a drop of vanilla or cloves powder.

Now, I found that this trick works like charm and I 've been enjoying fried chicken, fried wonton, fried pork rib...hmm fried food!

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